Quality Executive & Family Homes in Devon & Cornwall
Established in the region for over 75 years, we are committed to providing homes of quality and style in superb locations.
Please check out our fantastic variety of properties, and if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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Buying with Pearce
Pearce Homes provides several plot-specific assistance programs designed to facilitate your transition to a new Pearce Home. Discover some of the ways we can offer support.
NEW... How is stamp duty changing?
From 1st April 2025, there will be several changes coming into effect:
- The nil rate threshold which is currently £250,000 will return to the previous level of £125,000.
- The nil rate threshold for first-time buyers which is currently £425,000 will return to the previous level of £300,000.
- The maximum purchase price for which First-Time Buyers Relief (a reduced stamp duty rate) can be claimed is currently £625,000 and will return to the previous level of £500,000.