A Home from Home for Students
The work for this project involved the construction of a new traditionally built masonry & steel framed structure, which provided 70 study bedrooms with en-suite facilities along with 3 dwellings for the house parents.
The project also entailed the demolition of the existing sixth form centre and library, which was duly replaced by a steel framed structure, which in turn provided a new study centre. A design and build project that was carefully negotiated with the school trustees, on the strength of our performance of two previous projects for them - namely the Sports Hall and the Art & Theatre block.
Client: Board of Governors, West Buckland School
Architect: RGP Architects
Value: £5,200,000
Procurement Route: Direct Negotiation
Duration: 56 Week Construction Period

House Martin boxes were also installed, aiding the birds during their breeding season. House Martins can be seen from April-September, but then leave to overwinter in Africa.
This is the third project completed by Pearce Construction for the school and we remain very pleased with the standard of the work and our relationship.